Are You Ready To Make Your Demo?
So, you’re thinking to yourself
“I want to get a demo reel to kick off my voice acting career, but how do I know when I’m ready?”
Well on the acting side, the short of it is when you can consistently actualize a scene to a compelling degree. That is the necessary baseline to have. The understanding required to achieve that requires a lot of practice! Something we can help with. However once you’ve achieved that, you’ll also need to start considering the business side of the industry. Let’s start that process:
Why do you need a demo?
It isn’t just about wanting one, or about us or any other industry professional saying “you need a demo” that should be the reason why you get one. Taking ownership over your own career is something you will have to do at some point; whether it’s when you are just starting lessons, after you’ve already produced your demo, or been auditioning. Once you can start critically assessing the needs of the industry and where you fit into it, understanding why you need a demo becomes much simpler.
Do you know what you want in your demo?
A demo is meant to represent all of your best acting skills, and this means you need to know what those are. What skills do you have that you want to show to the world? What part of this industry do you think you can thrive in? Knowing your emotional strengths and weaknesses, as well as your best character archetypes and vocal print are a good place to start.
Can you act under pressure?
Even if you have all the talent and skill in the world, if it falters when you get that one audition you’ve always wanted to book or when you’ve already been cast and are being live directed with the gaze of a handful of industry professionals, that’s a major setback. Being able to act under pressure is a necessary skill all of its own.
Do you have equipment to record?
The voice acting landscape has changed a lot over the last several years, since COVID. Having your own recording space is now an asset. What this means is professional equipment; an XLR microphone and audio interface, an acoustically treated space, and a computer with recording software(DAW). A major portion of the industry is now run online and this is all gear you will need to keep up, as well as record your demo reel in the first place.
Have you gotten a second opinion from a decision maker?
A decision maker being someone that has a hand in producing voice acted media, like a director, casting director, agent, manager, audio engineer, etc. Acting is art, and art is built upon the interpretation of the masses. Getting assessed by multiple, specifically knowledgeable, individuals will further substantiate your talent as an actor and businessperson.
If you notice the trend, the main point is for you to ask questions and assess how you can personally add value to the industry. Hopefully this helps get you started, but don’t stop here- get out there and create something amazing! And we can help you along that journey every step of the way. You can schedule a Private Class with one of our instructors if you’re looking for an evaluation and guidance.